Necessity - the MOTHER of Invention


Happy Mother’s Day weekend, my friends. Since my Mom passed away, I suppose it's all about me now — I'm no longer busy planning a celebration so that means I'm just sitting here WAITING and EXPECTING a huge outpouring of love and presents from my three 20-somethings. Just kidding, I think until your kids have kids they don't really grasp our magnificence, do they now? Now that's sorted, and speaking of Mothers...

Necessity IS the mother of invention, and we at PPB are here to prove it. When we asked a month ago or so what y'all would like to see more of, lots of you said you missed our hand-curated gifts. Seasonally, we love to bring in the most enchanting and, dare I say, whimsical things to gift your lovies with. Day-to-day we focus on the very best quality things you need when you read: a book (hee), a candle and a mug of course, a reading light (see our Zafferano page), reading glasses/cheaters if you need, and luxurious but also very fast-absorbing hand-lotion so you can, within seconds, turn your book's pages cleanly. We LOVE our new 107 West Willow location (I mean, I am 100% at peace the moment I walk in), but we have less room for a gift selection. 

Here's the "mother-necessity:" we need to noodle how to get you what you want in our new, littler space. 

Hmmmmmmm ... 

since we can't showroom every variety of all the things we love for you — 

we can pass on some of our discount (25%) if you'll order with us. 

Invention!! Genius! 

Sometimes people wonder why stores (and not just small ones) have trouble thriving, and part of it is that it's dang difficult to guess ahead exactly what y'all want — especially when in our age of the internet you can get exactly what you want online.  We are better than the internet though because we love to curate presents based on what you say your lovey would like to read or have (hearing about the person you love is our favorite) AND we wrap and can ship. 

We are so excited — check out this video and see the first of our offerings ... we'll provide details later, but count on 25% off of things you order with us (that are available) from the vendors mentioned. We are excited — and proud mothers of this invention!

Coming soon!




Saturday is Independent Bookstore Day