


so quiet

you can hear

a page turn.

Hello friends, upcoming are the big May gift days: Moms, Dads, Grads and Teachers. I bet you're aware and I'm here to help! Take 2 minutes for this video - it's packed with ideas for your giving plus suggestions for your suggesting ... when those that want to love on you need a nudge.  Of course we wrap and ship, goes without saying! 

One of my suggestions can't be shipped though, it's a ticket for Mom to our new "Women in Europe" bookclub; we meet for the first time June 6th at 6:30 at PPB to discuss The French Ingredient, a charming new memoir. Tickets are super limited because of our cozy space, so grab yours now

So, here's me at the store today, running down a few terrific book suggestions for Mothers Day and also a custom candle perfect for a reader. Yes, custom — and I found a great little classy company to help. You see, lots of candles have bookish phrases on them but I'm hard to charm I guess, because I was looking for something special-er than what I'd seen. So in the video you'll see my first go at writing words for custom products — the Bliss saying I wrote above. This first batch is available for sale while they last ... I can order more, plus I LOVE this company so let us know if you have a custom candle occasion coming up — I'll even help you with the phrasing and throw a discount on there too.  

I've also ordered custom wee shortbread cookies (boxed in fours) with the Bliss phrase on them and some of my other sayings too; they'll be in any day from DeLight Patisserie.  Can you stand it, this is 100% a unique gift ... guaranteed because I wrote the phrases. Again, I can for you too if you have that sort of occasion coming up. 

In the video, cozy close to the books I'm loving on, you'll see we have two new models of our Zafferano cordless, rechargeable, dimmable, indoor/outdoor reading lights. You all are loving this offering and have ordered dozens already. This just-in design is my new favorite! As always, we pass 25% savings on to you when you order Zafferano with us. 

What a perfectly lovely gift for Moms Day - a book and a wee lamp or a custom candle or cookies (we have mugs for Moms too).  Let us astonish you with our friendly, classy service.

Fondly, Sandy


Happy Flag Day, all!


Necessity - the MOTHER of Invention